Moving Lights In The Sky At Night in The AnswerBank: Science
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Moving Lights In The Sky At Night

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Neocubes | 23:31 Thu 05th Jun 2014 | Science
9 Answers
So about an hour ago (11pm) my brother calls me outside to look at something in the sky. I Struggled to find it at first but once i did, it was clear that this was no plane or helicopter. It was a light about the size of a star moving in different directions very quickly. After about a minute of staring at it, a second light shot up next to it and almost circled it. The first light then sped off and disappeared leaving the second one to slowly drift away.

I really don't know what i just saw...Anyone have ideas?
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Dunno. Ball lightning maybe ?
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Nope I checked the space stations path, it hadn't even passed yet.
I don't think douglas9401's diagram helped at all. If like me you are curious about the truth behind thousands of civil aviation pilots, radar operators, military staff (many countries), intelligence officers, Military pilots, astronauts, police officers, public displays with tens of thousands eyewitnesses... I looked and found serious people are stepping forward saying this is real. People with everything to lose and nothing to gain by publicly declaring they believe they had an alien encounter. Watch this if you have time and interest:

I don't know the truth beneath the lies when the government is concerned and I don't claim to. There are many theories out there but I'm convinced that millions of people on our planet can't all be hallucinating or mistaking everyday familiar sights in the skies.

Hope that helped
IHI- I have to agree with you...there are indeed many,many people who have worked in very authoritative positions claiming government cover-ups etc.,etc.
Not also forgetting that there are probably many thousands more unreported sightings. I saw one around five years ago which I only revealed to certain friends for fear of ridicule. - There are many unexplainable things everywhere!
The government isn't competent enough to organise such a massive cover-up, although what this was I have no idea. Would really need to see it for myself to know exactly what you mean -- and even then I'd probably be stumped.
I once saw a UFO in broad daylight - a silver metallic ball-shaped object travelling silently just above the rooftops of some four storey buildings. No idea what it was or where it came from - but I saw it and so did the person I was with.
Jim360 it is the military industrial complex that covers it up. It's a sustained campaign for social, economic, cultural and military control over us all by an elite group of sickeningly wealthy families e.g. Rothschild, Rockerfella, Morgans. One or two you may have heard of but did you know for example that genius inventor and scientist Nicolas Tesla genuinely discovered a way to transmit electricity through the atmosphere, directly from the plant to consumer's homes, at the turn of the 20th century and wanted the technology to be available to all mankind. He submitted a patent to his financier, J.P. Morgan (a wealthy banker) to be filed at the patent office but was rejected by his boss and all funding stopped. After such an amazing, world changing, universally beneficial discovery one would think that it would advance mankind into a new age, but J.P. Morgan had a monopoly on the copper used in wires to transmit electricity via cables being build all over the U.S.
This is an obvious case of greed over public benefit but it's never discussed or re-visited by mainstream media due to the stranglehold these's trilionaire have over distribution of information.
Therefore you're correct that a body of elected members of the public couldn't conceal it from us, but a dominant and established elite that control most national banks, utilities, fossil fuels and media most certainly could.
Whatever you think of me and this information I've confronted you with, at least respect the fact that I hold this opinion and it is mine to share in forums like this. I urge you to look into it in your spare time, it's truly shocking and there's mountains of evidence to support the claim.


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