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highest paid tv star

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c beckett | 09:47 Sun 21st Aug 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
in terms of the hourly fee paid for time on screen who is britains most highly paid tv star?


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I don't know if it still is this person but i'm pretty sure that  Anne Robinson not so long ago was the most highest paid tv star
Already worth a reputed �80million, Cowell is now Britain's highest-paid TV star,
Well the Queen only does 10 minutes on Christmas day and she gets MILLIONS :)

It is Jane Leeves I think - she played Daphnie in Frazier

Chris Tarrant is probably up there aswell - though like Cowell and others, they are not only paid for appearing in / presenting their respective programmes, the fact that they own the production company / idea / rights et does tend to bump up their earnings.

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highest paid tv star

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