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Peaky Blinders

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Ken4155 | 22:04 Thu 06th Nov 2014 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Roll on series 3:-)


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Too right !! Consistently excellent series (1 & 2) Tonight's episode was great. The scene between Tommy and Alfie Solomons was edge of the seat stuff and Polly !!! and the ending! BBC should be justifiably proud of this .
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Agreed which is why it's a bit of a mystery why they're keeping it on BBC2. They did the same with The Shadow Line a couple of years back and that was the best drama i've EVER seen on terrestrial tv.
I think BBC2 is a good place for it-quality drama and BBC1 don't always go hand in hand nowadays unfortunately.Not sure it matters which channel its on as long as the quality isn't compromised.
I was on the edge of my seat towards the end. By far the best drama I have seen in years. I'm gutted its over and we have to wait a whole year till series 3 but at least there is a series 3 to look forward to :o)
Well done to Polly!

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