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Caran | 23:15 Sat 17th Jan 2015 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers
Who's going to be killed off after the crash?


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No one, but a week of hospital visits to look forward to...or not!

Maybe no one. Sinead is going to be seriously injured.
Well it's not Steve because he does a runner. I hope it's not Carla. Am I the only one to like her?
Sinead's said to be "in a life-threatening situation."
This is what happens when you're three weeks behind with recordings. What crash? I'm still only up to New Year's Day.
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I like Carla too. They usually use things like this to have a clear out. There are so many new characters in now I keep losing track of who is who.
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Blackadder you shouldn't be reading this, don't want to spoil your enjoyment.
Hasn't happened yet...It' next week BlackAdder!
Tracy-Luv is on the Underworld outing?
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I think someone dropped out and Tracey was offered the place by her new best friend Carla.
I think Beth dropped out.
I read in a tv mag will Toxic Tracy rescue Carla or not...because Carla is trapped...
Tracy takes Izzy's place.
For me it has to be Scary Mary. What a brilliant part she plays, in true Corrie comic style. Don't know where she gets her money from, though, she only seems to work the odd part-time shift here and there, not enough to maintain a motor home.
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I've often wondered where Mary gets her electricity and water from. Is there a kind neighbour that let's her plug into their systems? And where does she park it?
Scary Mary sold her mother's house and employed by Dev who I've heard is leaving... Dev. that is.
Looks like Ghandi's here for keeps!
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Oh if Dev leaves what will Julie do? Or is she leaving too?
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Whose Ghandi?
What's the reference to Ghandi? Haven't watched last episode yet.

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