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Fao - The Km Players

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seekeerz | 00:41 Sat 24th Jan 2015 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Here are today's shaded clues for you -

13a Fruit used to flavour curacao, Cointreau, Grand Marnier and triple sec etc [6]

27a Atomic number 47, symbol Ag etc [6]

6d Substance which can contribute towards the risk of hypertension if consumed in quantities of more than 6g a day [4]

53d The ---- Show; Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson sketch series [4]



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orange silver salt fast
00:51 Sat 24th Jan 2015



Thanks Steff, agree with Cupid re the link words.

I've been looking out for you watching the cycling down under tour around Adelaide on Sky, but if you're there you're not waving at the cameras - or is it too hot still?
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Actually they've been very lucky this last week, the weather has been quite mild for their trips around the hills and coast they head up the notorious Willunga Hill (the old road) and that's a real squeeze at the end with all the people on the very narrow road ... I watch from the safety of my lounge room !!

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Fao - The Km Players

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