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I Player Radio 2

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BJS | 11:15 Thu 02nd Apr 2015 | Radio
5 Answers
I had todays Zoe Ball programme on this morning and caught a something I should have listened too so have just tried to get the programme on the IPlayer but cant get the BBC 2 schedule up like you can the TV channels but cannot. Can anyone help.


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BBC 2 came up on this, BJS.
Sorry, BJS, it was radio 2 that you wanted.
You've not said which device you're using to access the BBC iPlayer. Using a computer you can access all BBC radio content here:

However (very annoyingly in my view) the iPlayer app that's built into some smart TVs (and devices such as Now TV boxes) seems to have been designed by someone who thinks that radio content is unimportant (or, probably more likely, the manufacturers of those devices are simply unwilling to pay the higher licensing fees that would be needed to have a 'full' iPlayer app on them).
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Thanks for all your replies. I got there in the end but did not find it as simle to use as it is for TV.

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