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How Much Would This Cost?

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Dee Sa | 14:49 Fri 17th Apr 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I have recently discovered in a cupboard a bottle belonging to my late husband Chief Stout, he always was a hoarder and I cant stand even the smell of whiskey and the like, I want to give it as a present but depending how much also determines who gets it ! Tried the website but didn't get far
Old Weller Antique Original Brand Bourbon Heritage Collection
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Ages ago I was looking for the price of a limited edition bottle of whisky and I found people on a whisky collectors forum were very helpful - can't remember the exact one I used though.

What's the capacity, 70Cl, 100Cl, whatever?

Sorry, forgot, What % Proof?
I found old weller antique 107 at £38.45 which may give you some idea
It might be worth contacting the Whisky Exchange :-
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thanks guys it says on the label [but hard to read]..... 53.5%Alc Vol 107 Proof, its quite a big heavy bottle must be a litre at least & it comes in a black velvet bag.
hope this helps

This is a review but shows a picture of the bottle so you can see if it the same. Price is in dollars $24
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Ubasess thank you for your help, watched the video... he did go on a bit !at $24 it doesn't matter who I give it to ! LOL ! He probably bought it at an airport somewhere in the world.

here are the top ten bourbons of the world
all around $100 - so it doesnt sound as tho you have tapped liquid gold
I stopped myself from buying a bottle of Jack Daniels Honey whiskey today. I'm not a whiskey connoisseur but it sounds lovely, and I might go back tomorrow for one. Anyone tried it?
I haven't tried it, aog. Sounds good though.
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thanks for the link Peter Pedant I went off on all different tangents there been on their for over an hour !

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How Much Would This Cost?

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