The drama "Home Fires" started yesterday. Can anyone tell me, has it been on before?I watched the beginning of it at the W.I. meeting and it all seemed familiar.
G' are probably getting it mixed up with all the other Sunday Night dramas ever made...who can tell the difference ?
I remember tuning in one Sunday evening years ago, and there was a program called Howards Way, all about rich yachting types, and wondering where all the ruddy horses had gone to, not knowing that this wasn't the one about horse racing....its an easy mistake to make !
I though Victoria Wood in Housewife 49 was excellent. the first episode of Home Fires was not very exciting but I m sure it will get better, I love the hairstyles and the fashions the women had to be very creative during the war.
I haven't seen this and, to be honest, it doesn't sound like the kind of thing I would normally watch. But apart from the hair-do's, what is the script like ?
A program is nothing without a good script.
Does it contain any howlers in the way that infected Downton ?
The O H liked this more than I did. I didn't like the snobby woman who is trying to put the kibosh on the WI, and I don't like the bully of a husband who won't let his wife work because he thinks she should only pander to his needs!