ChatterBank7 mins ago
Have The B.b.c Got A Death Wish?
15 Answers
Tonight's Question Time was the most biased one I've ever seen. An echo chamber with 5 panellists who supported mass immigration, the EU, global warming or whatever it's called this week. In fact, if you can think of a Marxist bandwagon, they were all in the front seats. And then, surprise, surprise, to put the icing on the cake, they were all 100% behind the icing on the cake.
There was one Tory, Vicky Morgan. Even David Dimbleby said she was beleaguered! Only 2 non left wingers allowed to speak in the audience the an Asian UKIP supporter and a guy in braces who got very irate! Both pointed out to Tim Fallon and Stella Creasey that they lost!!!
12:48 Fri 22nd May 2015
don't worry, May will censor them
http:// www.the guardia orld/20 15/may/ 21/mays -plan-t o-censo r-tv-pr ogramme s-conde mned-by -tory-c abinet- colleag ue
-- answer removed --
I love the BBC - I think the licence fee would be good value at twice the price - however this does come with a caveat.
Their news reporting is unquestionably left wing bias, and for our publicly funded national broadcaster with a Royal Charter, this is just simply wrong. The news short be reported with complete impartiality. ITN and Sky News are distinctly more neutral than the BBC.
Anybody who cannot not see this are either deluding themselves, or are wilfully ignoring it.
Even the most dogmatic on the left must have watched QT last night and recognised the obvious bias. If they did not, then they must be zealots.
Their news reporting is unquestionably left wing bias, and for our publicly funded national broadcaster with a Royal Charter, this is just simply wrong. The news short be reported with complete impartiality. ITN and Sky News are distinctly more neutral than the BBC.
Anybody who cannot not see this are either deluding themselves, or are wilfully ignoring it.
Even the most dogmatic on the left must have watched QT last night and recognised the obvious bias. If they did not, then they must be zealots.
I am sure Hilary Devey (ex Dragon's Den) would be mortified to be perceived as a sign of left wing bias. She was there as the 'non-politico' guest and, being in the distribution business, you'd expect her to support the right. Which is balance, of a sort, isn't it?
Whatever the case, she was in favour of staying in Europe. In/out does not seen to be a matter of left/right ideology any more.
Also, Dimbleby tore into that audience member, for "insulting 4 million voters", having accused them of being led to support UKIP by the Murdoch cartel. (I don't read the papers so I don't even know if that was a complete lie or not. I thought Murdoch was a straight Tory supporter, before this).
UKIP got a lot of QT airtime, in the leadup to the election, to the point that I was getting sick of seeing Farage appearing every 6 weeks or so (seemingly). The BBC were taking it seriously as a rising undercurrent; everyone got to know most of their agenda. Post election, they are 1/650th of parliament or 4 million out of 65 (to 70+) million voters. So 3 minutes per hour is pretty fair coverage, I would say.
Following my previous noises about the Greens getting equal coverage with UKIP, during the election buildup in the interests of equal coverage for minority parties I can now say that I think they should be reduced to 3 minutes per hour, for exactly the same reasons.
Whatever the case, she was in favour of staying in Europe. In/out does not seen to be a matter of left/right ideology any more.
Also, Dimbleby tore into that audience member, for "insulting 4 million voters", having accused them of being led to support UKIP by the Murdoch cartel. (I don't read the papers so I don't even know if that was a complete lie or not. I thought Murdoch was a straight Tory supporter, before this).
UKIP got a lot of QT airtime, in the leadup to the election, to the point that I was getting sick of seeing Farage appearing every 6 weeks or so (seemingly). The BBC were taking it seriously as a rising undercurrent; everyone got to know most of their agenda. Post election, they are 1/650th of parliament or 4 million out of 65 (to 70+) million voters. So 3 minutes per hour is pretty fair coverage, I would say.
Following my previous noises about the Greens getting equal coverage with UKIP, during the election buildup in the interests of equal coverage for minority parties I can now say that I think they should be reduced to 3 minutes per hour, for exactly the same reasons.