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Anyone Watching 'black Work'

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Retrochic | 09:01 Thu 25th Jun 2015 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
I've watched the first one but its very disappointing. The story line is patchy and in some places unbelievable , even Sheridan Smith does not seem to be at her best -hope it gets better


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Let's have a report back after Sunday's episode and see what we all think :o)
Would the suspect Parry have been held in a police station from time he was picked up until after the copper's funeral? I thought they could only be held for 24/36 hours?
I watched the first episode and have recorded the second - so will let you know
There are just so many things 'wrong' with this drama, holding a suspect for longer than permissible is the least of them. And how convenient/contrived* that not only did the old woman just happen to have a pair of binoculars handy (nosy old biddy) but Sheridan Smith (looking for all the world like a ventriloquist's dummy) just happened to look through them at the very moment the detective paid the handler a visit.

*delete where applicable
And she managed to start her car after Parry had pulled the wires out to try and hot wire it.
Would she be allowed access to him what with her being the victims wife?

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Anyone Watching 'black Work'

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