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Eastenders.... Im Confused

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tinkerbell23 | 22:52 Wed 30th Sep 2015 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Soooo the florist lady.... Take it she has forgiven her hubby? Did he have an affair!!!!?



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Yeah...he was having an affair with Claudette. I can't remember if she confronted him.
Yep, he's forgiven. He say's it wasn't an affair though.
The florist lady that is.
Yes she did ( eventually ), ummmm.
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Hmmmmmm i remember he was buying claudette necklaces etc.

There was another question i had but i forget lol x
I agree, they make a big storyline out of something and then it is never resolved or it is forgotten about! Where has the florists grandson gone and what happened to his affair with Ben? Then on the other side of the coin we get storylines like Lucy's murder boring on forever!
So did she confront Claudette about the affair?
I didn't think he actually slept with Claudette ( god she would eat him alive), but just needed someone to confide in when his son died.
Paul and Ben storyline next week I think.
Sammy it right, they didn't have an affair.
I am also confused.
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But why buy claudette jewellery etc then.

Really half finished story x

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Eastenders.... Im Confused

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