can't help thinking the BBC are doing all they can to help him win In fact, I thought he was rubbish this weekend, certainly no better than Anthony Ogogo. I'd love to see Katie Derham and Jeremy Vine make the final rather than fake Andre. You?
I do like to see a celeb with no dance experience nor 'showbiz' background to win, like Mark Ramprakash.
I miss the older series where some real duffers in the first few weeks somehow found their dancing feet and confidence and bloomed. Now it is obvious that those with no dance experience have been training since before the launch show, maybe taking private lessons.
A lot of these so called celebs have been to acting/stage school and have done a bit of dancing in their time. It must be quite hard for people such as Jeremy Vine to compete. I did ballet when I was younger and in ballet there are defined moves. You practice them like mad and then you put them all together to make a dance. I can`t imagine how hard it must be to dance without having that training.
JV is a great host on his radio show. He is knowledgeable about politics and current affairs but readily admits his limits in some of the topics.
How he keeps his cool with some of the guests and callers I really don't know but his enthusiasm shows.
Lots of Daniel o Donnels fans will ring in to make sure he doesn't get voted off, the judges will have to find some way to vote him off, why do we never get to know who received the most popular Phone Vote?