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Does Anyone Actually Watch Jeremy Kyle?

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ToraToraTora | 10:55 Sat 12th Mar 2016 | Film, Media & TV
65 Answers
what an unadulterated disgusting awful depressing pile of cack. I switched on the TV and it just happened to be on there. The terror of the next 30 seconds was immense until I found the remote. I cannot comprehend how I would voluntarily endure.


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If nobody watched it the TV company would soon pull the plug on it.
Nope, what little I have seen of it, (Whilst hunting down the remote) I don't understand why anyone would want to appear on it, he himself comes across as a vile piece of ...!
The people who watch it are probably all candidates for it.
Im guessing the majority of the people that watch it regularly are pretty much the same sort of trash that are on the circus itself...
I know! My OH watches it when he's run out of other silly or boring cack to watch. I really don't know why he can't pick up a book instead.
Unbelievable people on the show. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of them come to the holiday village that I work in. I see people like this every day.
On the odd occasion I'm at home when it's on I find it quite amusing
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yes danny and that is what is saddest of all.
Yes.......i watch it........with my coffee in the mornings.

These people form a significant part of human life in the 21 st century...women with 4 or 5 kids all with different fathers, adultery, infidelity,obesity and drug addiction.

How can you answer on AB posts concerning life, if you don't realise that it

You may not like it, but ignire it at your may be happening in your family.
According to this a heck of a lot of people watch it:-
I also find it entertaining, especially DNA results. In fact I think it's those who would never be a candidate for the show find it interesting, it's a whole different world to the one I live in.
It is "car crash" TV.
it is very popular
amongst the brit version of trailer trash ....

I dont think many are actors - I think they really want to make fools of themselves on camera
I like it. In fact in 15 minutes from now I am switching it on. . (runs for cover)
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the DNA results prudie? really, you enjoy watching someones heart ripped out on prime time TV? How brutal you must be.

Sqad, yes I find in inexplicable that people watch soaps so you have a point I guess. If that is "life" then death is looking more attractive.
The people on the show are put up in a hotel and given free food and loads of booze. To them, it's a weekend away without having to pay for anything.
I watch it- love it.
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perhaps jo, but no amount of free anything compensates for the arena.
After accidentally watching it for a couple of minutes, I would rather poke my eyes out with a sharp stick than view it again

\\\the DNA results prudie? really, you enjoy watching someones heart ripped out on prime time TV? How brutal you must be. \\

JK......."the DNA are NOT the father."
Contestant........"Thank God for that, i can't stand the ***"

That's not "ripping your heart out".......that's RELIEF.

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