oh toook me to get bark and compost before he gets new car tomorrow, had to bring it home...going back to mum this am take her shopping and out for lunch....
no..oh has to take me about...chose not to sit my test when ready for it years ago as ex said that I would be able to pick him up from golf etc...did not want to become a late night bus service for him and his pals...
how can she be bothered getting up with hairdressers..stylists..make up folk then go out to meet people she does not know or like every day....at that age too..bet she would love a jammie day some times..at that age too..a remarkable woman...I was always tempted to slip in a wee note to her when I was writing her commisssions....
Gmorning WBM, this is the odd 2 planes that buzzed my house with 3 helicopters on Tuesday (same day as Wm & Harry were at Pinewood studios). Dem boys toys - my rs....flipping chased off my cat, had horses galloping at fences & blew tiles off my roof.
So have I minty. The last time was when he came to open the new Art Room, it's called the Creative Therapy Room. He remembered Vera from three years previously!