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Grey tiger cat?
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Yes...the Maine Coon...
Been there...
How old was the cat (missed that bit) ?
Question Author
He was his prime.
Awe, only 8.I'm so happy the ow er stayed with her.
Question Author
So was I...and you could tell he gave a lot of thought to what was such a difficult decision.
1st to time I've watched it - me too, pasta. x
He really is a great vet. A friend of ours went to him with their injured wolfhound directly from a car accident, he tried everything he could to save him. In the end he had to put the hound to sleep. The dog was fully conscious and they took the hound out into the gardens with the family and when they were all settled, he gave the injection there in the garden. The vet wept with the family. The family said it was such a lovely way to say their last good bye. They said he really is a very kind and wonderful man, exactly as he comes across on the TV.
I've just watched this and I was in floods of tears. I had to do the same thing a few years ago with my beloved Tortie called Shelley. It's the worst ever feeling.
Not been able to have another cat due to being so upset and couldn't face having to go through that again.
I don't think I have seen an episode yet that has failed to cause some welling in my eyes. Great man, great progamme, geat pets.
Me too!! Floods!!!!!!!
Love this programme , he puts his all into his work.
Question Author
Lovely story,RATTER.
He comes across as so incredibly kind and involved with both his patients and their owners...and an absolute genius as an inventor of prosthetics.
The operation he did to give the dog two false back feet was brilliant, and also amazing, was how the dog took to them more or less straight away.

Can you imagine a human being just getting up and trotting off? :-)

I wonder how much that would cost, doubt if the animal insurance would pay?
Totally agree with everyone here, great man, great programme. I cry EVERY time. Love him.

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