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Jeanoliffen | 16:57 Sun 12th Jun 2016 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers
what is the name of the classical piece of music in the latest (June 2016) tv ad for Very.come


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Spring/Summer had this.
Mmm. I haven't seen the ad but I certainly wouldn't describe of Major Lazer as classical! Maybe there's another ad
Could be a later one, yes.
Check out the videos on their YouTube page.
Or another similar product, maybe
Was it the Major Lazer electronic dance track, Jean?
Saw this advert tonight. Definitely not an electronic dance track
A slow piece of classical music. Very familiar but I'm scratching my head as to what it is. Something like..
You think they would have updated their own YouTube page by now wouldn't you.
Evening Mamya! Yes they should update it. it's driving me mad. Sorry my musical notation isn't any better.
I've forgotten where I've put my Bosun's Whistle or I'd have a try.
lol :o)
I think it's this
Kleenex used that many moons ago....
Well done Vulcan, that's the one. I feel as if a great weight has been lifted. :o)

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