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Wine Of The Week

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NoMercy | 08:42 Thu 28th Jul 2016 | Food & Drink
22 Answers
Opal Ridge Gewurtztraminer/ Verdelho.

This beautiful Australian wine combines the aromatic Gewurtztraminer with the more full-bodied Verdelho resulting in a delightfully balanced, fresh and an all-too-easy to quaff wine. Flavours of lime, lychee, rose petal and passionfruit about, but without the eye-watering acidity of the NZ Sauvignon Blanc, making it the perfect accompaniment to Asian and spiced fayre.

We enjoyed this beautiful wine over dinner last night and it complimented the sticky pork cheek, crispy prawn and Wasabi pea purée starter beautifully.

I will be ordering myself a case of this very soon!

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Are any of these worth drinking ?
Question Author
The Marsanne is very nice, OG, as is the Bushland Shiraz.
Thanks. With the discussion of Argentinian Malbec In Sandy's thread I was wondering about that, but maybe those you selected would go well with a cod & chip supper too.
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I had a nice Malbec last night on our way back to the cottage. It depends whether you prefer red or white with your fish supper.
You really taste the flavours of lime, lychee, rose petal and passionfruit?

When I drink wine I taste wine. It's either sweet or dry, nice or horrible.
Question Author
Yes, I have a pretty sharp nose and sharp taste buds.

For instance I can often smell 'baked apple and custard' in a good NZ Pinot Gris or taste peach and stone fruit in a Chenin Blanc.

I couldn't imagine drinking wine and simply tasting 'red or white' or 'good or bad' but then some people gave a palate for pasta or chocolate, where as I do not.
I can tell the difference between Pepsi and Coke :-)

LOL, that is brilliant ... as are other words that you can put into their search box, most of which would be caught by AB's swearword filter ;)
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I can tell the difference between diet a regular cola but I'm certainly no cola aficionado.
where did you get the first bottle of that, as to trying it, NoM?
I am like Ummm! It used to make me laugh when a connoisseur says they can taste certain flavours.
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Porthminster Kitchen, DT.

I think non-oenophiles will always be sceptical, Sharon.
I have been banging the drum for Aldi's Bushland Shiraz for some time, and can also flag up their Cotes De Provence Rose. Damn good quaff on a sunny day for under £6.
for me, it has been a Colomé Malbec from Argieland, very palatable for its quality and price point.
I had that with a Marg River Semillion Sauv Blanc from No2 Fore Street in Mousehole and shyyte me if I can remember what it was but delish, the restaurant is as well.......
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Interesting you should mention that, Togo, because I've seen one or two interesting rosés and I've hitherto been very anti-rosé.

I wouldn't mind trying a blush Sancerre to begin with.
"She who must be obeyed" is not what I could call a regular imbiber NoMercy but she is verr verr choosy. The Rose I mentioned gets her thumbs up when she does indulge. Lawd trying to find a sherry that she approves of is our annual Christmas game.
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I'm certainly not 'in the know' when it comes to sherries, Togo. I'm more of a port sipper during the festive period. I like M&S's own label port.
some of the Provence rosés, the drier ones, can be very quaffable...having just tackled the lake down there or well, having made a slight indent in it.
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I would be very pleased to hear your recommendations for rosés, DT. I've tried blush Sancerre in the past but 'twas many years ago.

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