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Rylan, This Morning

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elliemay1 | 12:08 Wed 03rd Aug 2016 | Film, Media & TV
26 Answers
Those teeth! You'd need to wear sunglasses to watch!


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dead ringer !!
Most celebrities now have it done and it looks obvious but nice especially compared to some of the nasty horrors I've seen on Jeremy Kyle, horrible rotten teeth and you wonder how their partners even contemplate kissing them.

It's no wonder the Americans slate thenBritish for having bad teeth but there's no need as most that have bad teeth are on benefits so have free dental care.
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I don't think Rylan's look nice!
well I did think veneers - but sista has one lonely bird of a veneer and when she visits me on Sunday - she eats like a contortionist to avoid this veneer falling out. Also before she would AhhhBite into anything - she picks the food into little bits before entering her mouth. I can't work his out.
Olivio, plenty of Americans have bad teeth, too.
NHS dental care doesn't cover cosmetic work.

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