Speakers Not Giving Enough Volume in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Speakers Not Giving Enough Volume

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kenny1234 | 12:37 Thu 20th Oct 2016 | Internet
7 Answers
Just lately, if I am watching a You-tube video,the volume control has to be at its' highest for a reasonable sound------yet when I play a video on Homepage news, half-way is ample!!Anyone having similar problems with You-tube??


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Which volume control?
There are 3. The hardware control, the control in the YouTube player, and the system volume control.
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The knob on the side of one of my desk top speakers (logitech)
Have you got the volume slider up on the youtube site to max?
Another point Kenny, so youtube videos do have poor sound levels inherent. The posters to the toob are sometimes not to tech savvy.
some youtube videos, not so.(bit of keyboard lag)
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I had trouble with freezing screen for the last few days, so I logged out ,then in again---much improved loading PLUS IMPROVED VOLUME for the videos!!!
How old is your adobe player - maybe dlete it and download a new version but only from their own website and see if there are updates for your audio drivers.

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Speakers Not Giving Enough Volume

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