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Strictly - One Week Short?

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Maggoty | 17:26 Mon 21st Nov 2016 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
How are they going to get around being one week short due to Will Young's departure? x


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perhaps they;ll just hve less people in the final?
Put them in the jungle ,the people in IACGMOOH they are used to eating as such .Good idea or what ?
The plan now is to have 2 not 3 in the final I recall. It would cause a problem if anyone else pulled out now- either through injury, personal reasons or if Ed Balls were to pull out as some have suggested he should for the same reason John Sargeant pulled out a few years ago
It is,no doubt,all planned out by the BBC.Probably even down to the eventual winner.
Why might they do that, Grumpy?
As he pulled out fairly early, I assumed they would replace him at the time, but I was wrong !
They could have a week where no one is voted off.
Its time Ed Balls pulled out as he is a joke. Also when are they going to give a him a proper ballroom dance instead of the fast dances? Is it so he can make a pillock of himself jumping up and down and pulling faces?
I hope he doesn't pull out dave, I enjoy watching him.
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I thought of that Butterbun, thought they would get to the results of the dance off and announce that no-one was going home. But then peopled would have voted so therefore shouldn't they get their money back? Maybe this is why there are three dancers in the final - a spare in case of injury etc

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Strictly - One Week Short?

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