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The Missing

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Rosie29 | 18:01 Sat 03rd Dec 2016 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
I enjoyed this series so much more than the first one - but still puzzling - why did Sophie put flowers on Henry Reed's grave ?


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because she knew that he had been killed whilst trying to help.
.....I think.....
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Thanks Tilly - seems likely.
No other theories it seems, Rosie.
Because deep down he had a good caring heart....
Apart from leading to a dramatic conclusion, why did he keep Alice alive? He had rid himself of Lena and he was almost home and dry with Sophie so he didn't need Alice?
I thought initially it could be a clue to find out the truth to get her away but she didn't seem to want to get away from him so I just assumed as Henry Reed had tried to help her and got killed because of it.

I assume that he still had the need to have a girl held captive given his proclivities. Sophie seemed to have moved away from that so assume he still kept Alice because of it.

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