New Quiz available called " Natural World" in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. 32 question 50p per sheet. Closing date 30th April 2017. By e-mail pay on return to :
Fibonacci has posted that only all correct answers will be accepted for the Natural World quiz but that is not true. There is nothing to suggest that this is correct. The quiz just states that the Winner will receive a £10.00 gift card. And that is correct.
Apologies if my posting is incorrect for this quiz but previous quizzes have required winner to achieve all correct answers. Obviously this has now changed and so again my apologies and good luck with the fundraising
Hi Fibonacci, Thank you for your reply. I do accept your appologies.
I found that asking for all correct answers prooved difficult for some people, and so the last quiz which finished yesterday " Means of Transport" had stated that the Winner will receive a £10.00 Gift Voucher. The same goes for this one to be fair to everyone that enters. I don't know whether you will be entering or not, but if you do I wish you good luck with your entry.
So guilliebrougues, just to be absolutely clear, are you now saying that the winner of this quiz will be the person with the MOST correct answers?
Sorry to be pedantic but I'm asking for full clarification because a few months back you said the same as here ie "the winner will receive a £10 gift card" and then did not award the prize because no one got all correct answers.
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Macmillan Cancer Support Quiz " Natural World"quiz Closing Date 30Th April 2017