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Caran | 22:16 Mon 08th May 2017 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Is it me or is the sound quality not as good as it was?
I struggled to hear some of the dialogue.
Also what is going on with Sally's sister. I thought Sophie and Rosie knew the other woman so why does Sally not know her.
I am feeling very confused about Corrie at the moment.


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Sally did recognise her sister but was all a bit odd as apparently she hasn't seen her for 20 years with no explanation as to why
The qn was, 'Why did Sally not know the other woman?'
Oh th younger one - sorry!
The younger woman was Sally's sisters STEP daughter so Sally might not know her.

Would think she would tho as she went to stay with her sister when she had her breast cancer so not as long ago as they want you believe.
A friend of mine (who was then about the same age as you are now, Caran) used to moan about the sound quality of some soaps. It wasn't until a neighbour of hers complained to the council about the volume level of her TV that she realised she might need a hearing aid.

So perhaps you should take a hearing test, Caran? There's an online one here:

[NB: Although I often post attempts at 'wit' on your threads, I'm not trying to be either funny or offensive here. I just thought that my friend's experiences might be relevant. I apologise if my post offends you in any way].
Chico, there was an issue on about the Muffled speech on about 2>>3 weeks ago regards the TV, they did say then that the Sound quality was bad, I do not have a link.
Never noticed bad sound quality on Corrie. Don't think I'm going to like the Sally sister storyline ...
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Chris, not affected at all. Tried to do it but you have to download flash and it says it is not compatible with iPads.
This is where subtitles come in very useful. I wouldn't be without them.
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Chris I typed offended, but you know what iPads are like!

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