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Is The Bbc Politically Biased.?

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HansUrbancka | 13:49 Tue 13th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
It seems to be that there is a bias in favour of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.

The Political Editor (Laura Kuenssberg) and Assistant (Norman Smith) both appear to be manufacturing obstacles that are likely to arise for our Prime Minister and the Conservative party.

As an example, on today's lunchtime BBC 1 TV News, Norman Smith intimated that Teresa May would reach an agreement with the DUP who would then, in the future, require more and more benefits to continue its support........How is he able to come to such a conclusion.?

Perhaps Gretel and I are misinterpreting issues but welcome the views of other ABers.



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Is it just the BBC who are so intimating ?
"As an example, on today's lunchtime BBC 1 TV News, Norman Smith intimated that Teresa May would reach an agreement with the DUP who would then, in the future, require more and more benefits to continue its support........How is he able to come to such a conclusion.?"

That's perfectly reasonable speculation.

That's how this kind of coalition usually goes... What do you expect?
Yes - and I don't think you're misinterpreting it.
If the BBC reported what Norman Smith said regarding the current position then that isn't biased - they're his views.

Do News outlets appear to show bias sometimes? Yes, but then we have a huge choice of where to source our information to get a balance.

Why else are they known as 'The Biased Broadcasting Company?' its not. If may is being a hard time by the media at the moment, its no more than she deserves.

As ED has said, its a perfectly reasonable line to take. The DUP will attempt to make hay as long as the sun shines.
I don't recognize all this bias on the part of the BBC , that some bang on about .

Now , try listening to Fox news if you wish to see and hear blatant political bias
Mikey, what’s your excuse for the Conservatives in the run up the 2015 election, being given a hard time by the BBC’s then political editor, Nick Robinson? Listening to one particular report was the first time I actually realised that the BBC is biased, and I’ve not stopped noticing since.
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@mikey4444.....The last thing I want is to Quarrel and fall out with you. However, I am at a loss to appreciate why you think that Teresa May deserves a hard time. I hope I am wrong in thinking that perhaps you wish the BBC to be biased in favour of Labour and that it is a case of your trying to make hay in bad weather.☺☺☺

that's just politics .

If the boot was on the other foot , I'm certain JC would be getting it in the neck

.... from the right wing on here .
I have thought for a long time that Laura Kuenssberg has a tendency to favour the political left, but I doubt that this applies to the BBC as a whole.

Yes since the vote to leave the Eu and during the election campaign nothing but bias, sometimes I thought I was listening too a party political broadcast on the remain campaign and the Labour party.
Should be known as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
Hans....IMHO, Mrs May has put the Government of this country into chaos. She didn't have to call an Election, but went ahead anyway.

In order to keep some kind of momentum going, she is now forced to get into bed with a Party, whose views and polices, I find personally abhorrent.

By the way, I don't think we are "falling out" but instead, having a robust and civilised debate !
Baz....Corbyn has been "getting in the neck" for his whole political life !
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//that's just politics .

If the boot was on the other foot , I'm certain JC would be getting it in the neck //

I can't argue with that.
Garaman...............but when that happens, you never hear anybody complain that the BBC is biased against Labour !
Mikey, //she is now forced to get into bed with a Party, whose views and polices, I find personally abhorrent.//

You do know that Labour has, in the recent past, considered an alliance with those very same people.

See webbo3’s post here at 14:14 Sun.
To be fair, Mikey, I do think the Beeb is a bit left-leaning, but it is a poor example given in this thread. As Bazile has rightly pointed out, any leader would have been taken to task over this issue.

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