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Holiday Horror Stories

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EcclesCake | 12:15 Thu 03rd Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Share your holiday horror stories, something you witnessed that made your jaw drop or something you overheard.

I'm sure I can do better than this but it sticks in my mind. I was lying by the pool near another woman, she was approached by a young child about 3 I would guess. The child was with one of the hotel nannies, the child excitedly ran up to the woman and was dismissed with the comment 'Not now darling, it's Mummy's day off'. She then told the nanny to take her child away and not to disturb her again.

I was horrified and felt so sorry for the child.


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what's wrong with that? My holiday horror story is about to happen - going away in the uk tomorrow!
Sitting on the balcony one year and heard a blood curdling scream, followed by heavy footsteps. A small boy was then a blur running into the apartment block screaming for his mum with his arm sitting in a very awkward angle. If I mind correctly he had broken it and spent the rest of his holiday in a sling/cast after an operation and a day or so in hospital.

Few days later my mum slipped and cut her knee on some rocks and needed 3 stitches.

That is a holiday I want to forget.
Nothing like that..

I was on a beach in Cyprus when a couple of teenagers had a jet ski accident. Watching them giving CPR to a young girl was awful. She died.

In Egypt we stayed at a diving hotel that experienced divers used. They went out on a dive and two divers never resurfaced.

I got stranded on an Island in Thailand over night in just a bikini and sarong with just my OH and 3 Thai men. That was scary.
Does passing out in las Vegas whilst sitting on the toilet count?
counting your winnings ;-}
Yep, that counts.
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Bednobs, I appreciate that parents are entitled to a holiday too but the way this child was dismissed was unkind.

Note to self, don't go on holiday with Ummmm.

I can't recall witnessing any serious accidents and the worst that has happened to me was a gravel filled graze from ankle to hip.
children don't see that sort of thing as unkind - or if they do, its momentary. he probably went off and had a much better time with the nanny than his frazzled mum :)
We were camped at St Jorioz, near Annecy. We woke up to find police next to our caravan one morning with the caravan next to us taped off. It turned out that the 3 adults and one child in the family had been shot whilst having a picnic, along with a passing cyclist.
Bulgaria 2001 got 2 week holiday off itv teletext ( if you remember that) think it was £119 for 2 there was a hotel on sunny beach 60 odd rooms after day one we found out 75% of them were being used by Russian prostitutes ..Mrs c was not happy but over the week we made friends with some of them and they were really nice so it didn't work out to bad in the end
i remember that bhg - wasnt it someone in their family?
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I'll let you have that one Islay!
It still hasn't been solved, bednobs. It was never clear whether the target was the cyclist and the family got in the way or vice-versa. The brother was suspected because there had been strange goings on in the family over a will. We were talking to the murdered man the day before as we'd both been to Geneva that day; us for pleasure, him to see a lawyer.
I remember that now!
lol not counting my winnings as this was the 3rd day and I won big on the first day!!
Other than that its all good - I think because I don't really go away to places where there are children thankfully!!
It was particulaly sad about the second, younger child. Someone on our campsite saw the story on the news where it said 3 adults and one child had been found in a red BMW and thought it sounded like our neighbours. He rang the police and said they had 2 children - it seems the second one had been hiding in the back of the car under granny's skirt; the police hadn't seen her hiding and had sealed off the card to preserve evidence. They then opened the car and found the second child several hours later.
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Poor, poor child.
I remember that on the news bhg.

cor blimey, I think I'll view my camping moments differently now.
Malta 94' it wasn't the fact they had an unusual heatwave and was for too hot, nor the Coackroaches inside the apartment (I took my chances sleeping outside with the lizzards. security fella of the complex told me he kept an eye for me.) It was in the play area where my youngest Bro (5) was playing with a plastic football, I looked up from what I was reading and watched him fall backwards from the top of a slide Happened in 'slow motion' down to the concrete flags, the Crap rubber mats had been put aside in the corner. He was OK just really shaken up obviously. Needless to say I set all the mats up under the swings etc...

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