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Voice Over On Certain Programmes

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BJS | 15:42 Fri 01st Sep 2017 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
We have arecently bought a Samsung TV and on some programmes a voice is heard descibijng what is going on. We wondered if it was a aid for blind people. Have looked through the not so useful User Manual and tried going through Settings but could see nothing that to be of any help. Has anyone any idea how to remove this Thanks for any help


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It is called Audio Description and you need to go in to your settings and turn it off.
My Sony remote has a little button with AD and an arrow on it...this turns audio description on or off.......x
Mine is on my remote, button marked 'AD' took me a while to realise it was the way I picked it up catching that particular button.
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I have found a button on my remote marked AD/SUBT which I accessed recently as I use SubTitles. On checking it it was switched to Normal but have switched it to Visually Impaired position, so we'll see if that cure it. Thanks for all the replies, what would we do without this site.
I have a Samsung (smart) TV too....There is no AD button on the have to go into Menu, Settings etc.
The (printed) user manual is very basic...but haven't you got an "e-manual" button on the remote? If so, press it and "hey presto" you'll have a very full instruction manual full of "how to" pointers.'re right, there IS an AD button! However, the e-manual IS very useful!
You're welcome, BJS....I spent a whole evening chuntering crossly at a TV that was telling me what I could see was happening....till the daughter pointed out I'd accidentally pressed a button.... :-)
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I cannot find a E-Manual button at all on my remote?
^^oh...mine's 3rd button up from the bottom on the left-hand side...perhaps it depends on the gives you access to the full operating manual....
yeah it is quite good if you cant see
(I have good and bad days)
Do you have a smart tv?

If so, press the smart button - on ours its on the small remote - and is the coloured button on its own.

You'll then see emanual as one of the options.
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Have eventually found the menu via the Settings button and selecting Support. Thanks to you all.

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