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Did We Have A Good Summer ?

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fender62 | 21:05 Wed 01st Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
considering the heat wave of 1976, what do aber's make of this summer gone, i think it was pretty good...not like 76 i remember that one, who else remembers that ..thats a second question.


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Yes, I remember Summer of 76. Bloddy good it was. Hot hot hot.
not a great summer here..lots of rain.. a couple of nice weeks..but not great..lost a lot of things in the garden...buds were deluged and wet..perished before blooming...
Oh yes the summer of 76, happy memories.
ladybirds in '76 ! and bath with a friend...
I think we had a good summer but I`m not in the country all of the time. From what I saw of it though, I thought it was good. I have known worse
Tone..shhhhh.. you said you widnae tell !!
The summer of 76 was horrible in a stuffy, unbearable classroom!
Ooooh gossip!!!!
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some good tunes on the radio..Brotherhood Of Man-Save Your Kisses For
The summer of 1976 was the happiest time of my life. Those hot days were bliss
This Summer wasn't great at all. The Summer of 76 on the other hand was a scorcher. It was just a time to remember not just for how hot it was, but for the music too.
you said you widnae tell !!

It was you that told, minty ;-)

and bath with a friend...
Bliss? Noooo!
Everybody was happy!!! That is good medicine. Pure sunshine!
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and grannies out in the street gossiping n gawping at us youngsters..
^ I agree about the music.
Always reminds me of that three month summer.
Yes, its been a long dry summer here in the east yet again. It started early too.Ive lost count of the amount of times Ive had to top my pond up with the hose because my water butt was bone dry for many months.Its been a very good year for the holidaymakers and the ice cream man driving around our estate.
Has does this one.
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tonyav, nice one

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