What A Week
Started off really well, then got entertaining and then slowly went down hill very quickly.
Monday was a pleasant day spent doing the weekly shop with Dad and finishing off doing the Avon pick ups together.
Tuesday was quiet and entertaining at work, an elderly gentleman came to the desk with all his cards but he had 2 Wife ones, I asked if he had needed two, just in case, perhaps he had forgotten or perhaps was getting it for a friend or another family member. No, he saw the funny side but he had us all in stitches. He had a good sense of humour.
Wednesday got off to a good start, had my check in with the nurse at Diabetic Clinic, doing really well keep up the good work and adjust when required etc. Had my hair done and came home. Then I came a cropper an hour after my dinner my sugars plummeted and would not come back up I fought 5 hours before I regained a high enough level to be able to go to bed. I’ve never had such a bad hypo. I seriously was ready to throw in the towel. I even got stuff ready I case I had to go into hospital.
Thursday well I felt HORRENDOUS but spoke to my nurse who was as stumped as much as I was, ruled out all possibilities that could have caused me to drop so low, put on 24hour correction ban.
Today has been busy at work and I’m back in tomorrow but I love it. But I’m hoping for a quiet night with the OH and maybe a Christmas film or a cuddle and my favourite book.
Hope your weeks have been ok and enjoy the weekend
Q xx