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The Bill - Wednesday

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brachiopod | 21:29 Thu 03rd Nov 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Ok, I was in the pub on Wednesday, so missed it, but having seen tonight's episode, I need to ask;

How did Chief Superintendent Billy Corkhill find out about Dan having an affair with his wife? Was it during the 'oppo' and if so, how did it come up?

Secondly, what was Mickey's (the young CID bloke) interest / connection with the Delany character who had absconded from prison and moved the body?



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I was only half watching/listening but I don't think it was revealed how Billy Corkhill knew about the affair, he just said he knew and had known for a while, which was why he arranged for Dan to get the job with TSG away from his wife.

Mickey was raped by Delaney which was why Mickey had left Sun Hill, can't remember the details, it was a while ago sorry.
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Thanks Jules !

Now you come to mention it, the Mickey thing does ring a bell from a while ago. thanks for enlightening me.

Don't mean to be picky, but wasn't it Borough Comander Ian Barrates whife that had the affair? Whos Billy Corkhill?
Gard, we know it was the Borough Commander, it is just that the actor who plays him used to play a character called Billy Corkhill in the soap Brookside.....we both knew who we were referring to, maybe you are too young to remember Billy Corkhill or didn't watch Brookie.
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You'll be telling us that Eddie Royle's wife wasn't called Sheila Grant next, Gard.......

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The Bill - Wednesday

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