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Unforgotten Season 3

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piggynose | 20:01 Tue 14th Aug 2018 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
is the final episode a cliffhanger, or a forgone conclusion?


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To be fair, there's 'something' about identical twins that I find a bit creepy (not non-identical twins (obviously) writes the non-identical twin mother of non-identical twins).
22:02 Tue 14th Aug 2018
not the son..think a red herring... wife of one of the others ?
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Definitely a whodunnit. My money's on the doctor.
I'm going for the retired policeman.
Perhaps none of them did it?
Someone mentioned that there is some relevance in the fact that the young woman who was killed was an identical twin, i.e. information given to the viewer is rarely wasted.
ooooooo for thought !
I’m with Sherr. That copper is definitely dodgy.
Yes, jennykenny, I thought that the living sister might be pretending to be the sister who was killed.
What about the plate in the arm? Both sisters wouldn’t have that. Plus, there would still be a missing dead twin.
Myself and my eldest daughter thought it might be the twin but then remembered about the metal plate in the murdered twin's arm.
Enjoying it though!
Who really knows which sister had the plate?
Might be the man in the motorhome .
I presume the mum would know which twin had the plate, and there would still be a murdered twin.
The murdered girl had an accident whilst on a family holiday and had to have a plate inserted in her arm.
I appreciate that, but how do you know that her name wasn't whatever the living twin says her name is?
To be fair, there's 'something' about identical twins that I find a bit creepy (not non-identical twins (obviously) writes the non-identical twin mother of non-identical twins).
///To be fair, there's 'something' about identical twins that I find a bit creepy

That's hardly fair , sherrardk ;-)
I always think the actor who plays the retired detective looks creepy/ guilty. No matter what character he plays.
Canary, I find twins weird in general :)
I'll remember that ;-)

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