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Question Time George The Poet

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SparklyKid | 10:17 Fri 05th Oct 2018 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
Words fail me, not quite really, I do not want to destroy the swear filter.


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I know exactly what the young man in the audience means. Britain is a tolerant nation,one of the most tolerant in Europe I would think. Non white citizens of the Uk are far too quick to play the racist card for every little thing that happens to them, from being not served first in a pub to not getting a job. Things that a white person would shrug at ,feel a bit miffed...
13:39 Fri 05th Oct 2018
Not in my lifetime Jourdain. I've always been taught it's insulting.
No ummmm you will have been taught the contraction of the word which if I try to write will get starred out is offensive. Calling someone Pakistani is not offensive nor racist.
How can you tell the difference between one and the other?
Before 1947 Pakistan did not exist.It was created by the partition of India.Both nations come from the same origin.
Ladybirder. Usually by dress.
What is it about the dress that distinguishes them apart Danny?
I have no trouble telling one from the other.
It is a matter of paying attention and of watching your own mouth.
If you are not sure of someone's nationality it's usually a wise idea not to tie yourself up in a conversation where you are going to blurt anything out.
We have a lovely family from 'somewhere over there' in our shop. I can honestly say I've never needed to ask them if they are from Pakistan or India. I call them by their first names, they call me Aunty....
A few choice examples of racism in the Best Answer ...

> Non white citizens of the Uk are far too quick to play the racist card
> Things that a white person would shrug at
> The UK has bent over backwards to try and include people from all races and creeds and it seems all they do is complain how they are treated

Ladybirder, a Sikh wears a turban, and Hindus usually wear a dhoti
A dhoti kurta is an outfit often worn by married Hindu men. It consists of a generously cut cotton shirt called a kurta covered by a dhoti, which is a long piece of material that ties around the waist and extends to cover most of the legs. Sometimes, in western countries, men will adopt the clothing styles of the country they live in.
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
^^^ that was for ellipsis
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Two best answers for AL.
Thank you for actually answering the question Danny.

The very few I know or knew in the office wore suits which doesn't help much;-)
Yep, really AuntLydia.

For example, you wrote

> The UK has bent over backwards to try and include people from all races and creeds and it seems all they do is complain how they are treated

If you had written ...

> The UK has bent over backwards to try and include people from all races and creeds and it seems all some of those people do is complain how they are treated

... it would have been better.
Yes, the difference between Indians and Pakistanis is religious and political, not racial. Punjabis tend to look slightly more distinctive, I can usually pick them out as not Indian. Sikhs are quite distinctive and, helpfully, wear a turban as danny mentioned. In Western clothing it is difficult to tell the difference between most Indians and Pakistanis, although the Indians I knew tended to be a bit taller.
Absolutely excellent BA.
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I thought so,lol.
yep aunty was bang on there.

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