ChatterBank7 mins ago
No Accounting For Taste!
27 Answers
//A man who spent three hours licking a doorbell as a family slept inside is being hunted by police.
Roberto Daniel Arroyo, 33, was captured taking part in the bizarre act on the Dungans' home CCTV in Salinas, California, on Saturday morning.
The clear footage shows the man leaning his head against the intercom outside their front door and licking the doorbell from several different angles//
https:/ /news.s story/p olice-s earch-f or-man- who-lic ked-doo rbell-f or-thre e-hours -in-cal ifornia -116023 86
Got to ask 'Why?'
Roberto Daniel Arroyo, 33, was captured taking part in the bizarre act on the Dungans' home CCTV in Salinas, California, on Saturday morning.
The clear footage shows the man leaning his head against the intercom outside their front door and licking the doorbell from several different angles//
Got to ask 'Why?'
You suppose his Timex finally had enough?
17:34 Wed 09th Jan 2019
"Imagine being 89 minutes into your doorbell-licking and thinking “I’m not even half-way there!”
https:/ /twitte earch?q =lickin g+doorb ell& ;ref_sr c=twsrc %5Egoog le%7Ctw camp%5E serp%7C twgr%5E search