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Alfie Eastenders

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elliemay1 | 19:37 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Anyone else fed up with that flippin' ringtone on Alfie's phone?


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I agree. The character is a complete waste of time. As for having him supposedly running a funeral service is even more ridiculous. The sooner they get rid of him the better.
10:33 Fri 25th Jan 2019
I had been thinking why doesn’t he just turn if off
Sick of Alfie altogether!
Yes, wish he'd just take a hike, taking that stupid phone with him.
I agree. The character is a complete waste of time. As for having him supposedly running a funeral service is even more ridiculous. The sooner they get rid of him the better.

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Alfie Eastenders

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