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Line Of Duty

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Smowball | 21:12 Sun 14th Apr 2019 | Film, Media & TV
44 Answers
Not going to give away any spoilers incase yo haven’t watched it but omg it gives me such a headache - it’s so confusing lol!


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When I stopped using my old PC I smashed the hard drive with a hammer. :)

At the end his face was in darkness so both her and us couldn’t really identify him.
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I thought it was all perfectly mud. :-)

I did find it gripping. I was listening and watching so keenly as I didn't want to miss anything. Still don't know what's going on but can appreciate some of the fantastic acting, particularly from Steve Graham.
Didn't have a clue in the end last night. My elderly brain was hurting. At least all your posts have reassured me that I am not alone. Who on earth is/was Hargreaves?
it was "Collins" at the end.. the undercover cop... going into Hasting's estranged wife's home... he said he had no way back in to the force after what he did ..whilst in the underground car park with wotsisname... suggested he was doing Hari Kari.perhaps he thins holding H's mrs he has a bargaining tool to come in from the dark side ?
Hargreaves is the murder squad boss
Watched first episode. Gave up to the second halfway through. Because people were raving about it I thought I'd give the episode last night another go but to be quite honest it just seems to be a load of confusing rubbish.
Smow...I'd go back and watch from series 1.
At the end didn't Hargreaves wife say that she was going to phone her husband. How come she didn't know he was dead? And the so-called cop just happened to have a large pair of wire cutters in his pocket !
Don't you mean Hastings' wife Andres?
Probably.^^^ I did say it was so confusing to watch. I must be a perfect example of a thoroughly mixed up viewer.! No more Line of Duty for me.
Andres - have you watched it from series 1?
Thank you Bedknobs. I don't remember seeing him, or hearing his name. I presume he was in the earlier series.
yes. I have only seen s4 and this one. He was deffo in 4, but may be earlier as well
ummmm-^ Yes I did watch the first one. Passable but nothing to rave about.
I probably should have said season 1?
I agree with Zacs yesterday. Not not nearly up to the standard of the previous series. I wasn't all that impressed with Bodyguard - think Jed M should have ditched that and concentrated more on this .
As a new viewer, it has been so difficult. If hubby wasn't watching, it would have been switched off.
Have you lot never heard of 'Red Herrings'? Surely, Hastings taking his laptop to that shop is one. Immediately after the undercover cop and the woman had been in touch with 'H' on their laptop, we cut to the scene where Ted is closing his and wrapping it in bubblewrap. Having watched all the LODs so far, i am confident that writer Jed Mercurio wouldn't be 'showing his hand' this early if Hastings were 'H'. I believe the laptop incident is connected to the guy Moffat who is trying to involve Hastings in some sort of shady deal.

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