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Child of Mine - ITV last night

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valsuey | 11:04 Mon 14th Nov 2005 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Where have I seen the blonde girl ( the older child) before.Its really bugging me!


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Her name is Hannah Lochner and she played Vivian in The Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Her real name is Heather Lochner i checked her biography and the most recent/famous thing she was in was 'Dawn of the Dead'
Does anyone else think the ending was a bit rushed in this? Its almost as if they thought 'Blimey its been on an hour and 45 minutes already, best wrap this thing up quick!'
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Thanks Drusilla and emma_landra . She is really good isn't she? I wouldn't like to bump into her on a dark landing!.
I really enjoyed Child of Mine.Makes a change as I am usually disappointed with these dramas.I suppose the ending was a bit rushed but it didn't spoil it for me.
I rather enjoyed it, although I agree that the ending was a bit rushed. It was nice to see Joanne Whalley back.
anyone think she looks like Christina Ricci in The Adams Family?!

im so glad u agree she looks like the girl of the adams family, i couldnt place who i thought she looked like, cheers : )

It was good. I thought it was the blonde girl as we were lead to believe. It was good that it was on for just 2 hours and not over 2 days like a lot of these type of programmes.
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Yes I enjoyed it.I hate it when they put them on over 2 days.They always end up having the actors staring off into space etc. to fill in the time or worse recapping what has already happened as if we , the viewers, are all stupid and are incapable of holding the plot in our brains for more than 5 mins.

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