unfortunately, the human race is susceptible to time...the longer we exist, the worse we erode. And systems like capitalism and democracy make it worse by allowing people to become sociopathic. Look at the US fr example. On wikipedia- list of serial killers by nation, the US has 8 pages... more than all other nations combined. The reason is these systems allow for people to not deal with their issues or evolve into functioning humans by either trying to fill that sucking black hole inside with materials and desensitizing themselves to the human plight, or by promoting violence and sex then punishing us for that very thing... then top it off with Trump... you have exactly what the nation deserves.
In short, human beings are animals and monsters. What s needed is a systematic reduction of the human population to a more manageable level (by non invasive, non violent means, like what china did with their one child rule) and systems that make the human the TOP priority, not the means to an end, such as wealth. In capitalism, the ladder of success is climbed ONLY by sociopaths, because the rungs on the ladder are people. Socialism and TRUE communism are the only way out of our hellish existence that results in murdering someone because they were too slow. And dont even get me started on the revamping necessary of the prison system.