Bond Villains? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Bond Villains?

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banker_frank | 16:44 Fri 01st Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Here's something to lighten the mood...

If Trump Farage and Boris get into bed with each other and put the world to random we may need James Bond to sort them out.

What or who would be the villains Companions?

Trump? Mini Me of course
Farage? British Bull Dog with no front teeth
Boris? What else but a nice furry Pussy.

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tump ...max wall
oops trump^^^^
Trump would grab the pussy from Boris the the bulldog would eat the mini me.
Question Author
tis ok Mally apparently they're putting the world to 'random'. Think the AB fairies are out.

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Bond Villains?

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