i was so impressed by 'chico time' that im making my boyfriend watch his performance in the repeat on itv 2 tonight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now that is sad !!!!
In terms of "the X factor" Chico probably has it. He makes me wince through everyone of his performances, but smile when he finishes.
Would like to see Journey South or Andy win though. Chico, like the Cheeky Girls, has it made.
Brenda's good, but I wouldn't buy her CD.
are we talking about the same chico?? he cant sing CMON PEOPLE!!! where will he be in a years time, maybe around in some pub siging or opening a supermarket if hes lucky. please tell me you are jokin my dogcould do a better job.
Sharon kicked up enough fuss coz Maria was kicked off because she thought Maria was a better singer and more talanted than the Conway sisters, She even said to Louis in front of those poor girls that Maria would have sung that song better than the girls, well if this is the case and they are voting on talent why the hell is Chico still there? Knowing my luck he'l probably win, make a horrific single which will go straight to number 1 and haunt us more than Mr Blobby and will appear on sky music channels in a few years as a one hit wonder that noone has ever heard of since!!!!!!!
Yes i fink all ov us ladys want sum Chico time, i luv him! Anyhoo i think its the nest fing Simon as eva done tonight by actually letting sum1 wiv da x factor say in ! Chico Time 4eva!
It isnt about singing its about the certain X factor - and Chico deffo has it, he is a gr8t entertainer and he is deffo the star ov da show. Chico to Win !!!