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Strictly Come Dancing

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emmie | 15:47 Sat 14th Dec 2019 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
can't remember, but do they announce the winner tonight...


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very close
How strange is it that Kelvin won on the day that the death was announced of his tv gran, Sheila Mercier aged 100.
Had to laugh when after the announcement they played 'We are Family'.

Suppose it was meant as the Strictly family but with winner Oti having her sister on the judging panel it made me wonder.
but with winner Oti having her sister on the judging panel it made me wonder.

Ohhhhh ;-)
One of the best shows on TV.
Colour, laughter, happy, and no bad language and nobody gets shot!
Very true, Theland.
Well done Kelvin, but I also liked Karim.
Yes bobbie, I should imagine it was a close vote.
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I was rooting for Karim,
Loved Karim, but Kelvin's show dance was phenomenal and won it for him.
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its a happy show, and i look forward to many more.
I don't watch it but Mrs sqad picked Kelvin from day 1.
And as we said before Mrs Sqad is always right :-)) I was a great show. I wonder who Anton will get next year, an ancient ex politician?
Margo....LOL....I have just had to suffer a 30 minute dissertation on all three finalists whilst suffering for the need for my eggs, bacon and sausages.
You do make me giggle Sqad - respect to Mrs S, your breakfast will taste even better for the wait
Margo, there was report in a paper today that Anton is going to call it quits 'at the top'. However, said paper is the Star on Sunday, so I wouldn't take it as definite:
I wouldn't be surprised as he's bound to get a 'dud' next yet. Pity they couldn't retire Bruno (who is becoming more and more ridiculous) and put Anton in his place

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