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Taking Control: The Dominic Cummings Story, Bbc2

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Khandro | 11:24 Thu 19th Mar 2020 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Did anyone watch it? It seemed the BBC in trying to be 'balanced' had edited out all the good & bad bits to leave, ... well, not very much.


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I have recorded it - what a strange and powerful man he seems.
I thought the key thing Brexiteers wanted was to be freed from the impact of unelected 'bystanders' rather than elected representatives such as MPs. How do they find it so easy to accept this particular - apparently thoroughly unpleasant - 'bystander'?
All senior politicians have advisers, qm. Even the idiots you support, believe it or not.
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... such as Alistair Campbell, a man whom I can never decide if he's a moron or insane.

The programme avoided proper discussion on the issues Cummings want's to tackle. Instead we got a lot of highly edited interviews with talking heads spouting anecdotes.

Example; There are currently about 800 members of the House of Lords, repeat: eight hundred! Cummings wants to see this cut down.

Q.M. Do you disagree with him?
I’m sure most people want to see the HOL reduced on numbers.
Doesn’t make us all disciples of the Crazed One.
One other plus about Covid-19: presumably the PM’s chief advisers are currently scientific and medical rather than politically ideological
I was bored so switched it off.
I happened on it accidentally some I’ll try to remember to watch before it expires. Although it was quite nice not having to read about him so much
Khandro, I thoroughly agree with Cummings's views on the HOL; however, I daresay you could present me with the names of a multitude of similarly unpleasant people with whom I also agree on individual matters.
I don't understand what you might imagine that would prove either about the people you listed or me!

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Taking Control: The Dominic Cummings Story, Bbc2

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