Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
The Repair Shop
19 Answers
Is there anything more uplifting than this programme in these testing days? When they mended that juke box and it played Glen Miller, not a dry eye! Then the bike.
The amazing thing about the show is that the highly skilled artisans spend many hours and tons of care on items that often have no value except to the owners.
21:10 Wed 25th Mar 2020
People bring in their precious items, some inherited, that have been lying in attics and cupboards and have been broken or seen better days. Then the experts, artists and specialists repair them. They still keep some of the dents and blemishes that make them unique. Do watch it, if is mind boggling sometimes.
No, they don't work there normally. The whole set up is realistically unworkable and is a fantasy environment.
Each expert can be found online, promoting their own business. This is Will, the carpenter
http:// www.wil liamkir krestor ation.c o.uk/
Each expert can be found online, promoting their own business. This is Will, the carpenter
Steve the clock man
https:/ /www.cl ockwork shop.co .uk/
Steve's sister, Suzie, is the saddle maker and she is very highly regarded in her profession http:// suziefl etcher. co.uk/
the fire at Windsor Castle years ago was a big boost - they had to get in all the craftsmen they could find to repair it, and train some too, and they learnt a lot as they examined everything minutely and realised what had been done and why they'd done it; they were relearning techniques that virtually vanished centuries ago.