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Bbc Quiz: Week 15

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Buenchico | 21:02 Fri 10th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
A reference, on another thread, to people using Zoom for quizzes suddenly reminded me that I'd not put up this week's BBC Quiz thread yet. So here it is.

However, having only scored my usual paltry 3 (and wondering how the hell I could have clicked on the wrong answer to the first question, given that I've watched every Avengers episode countless times), perhaps I shouldn't have bothered anyway!

Easy to beat me then, I think!


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Is it Friday then?
Question Author
Yup, Pixie, and I hear that it's meant to be a good 'un too ;-)
3 (all guesses)
It is Friday, and it's not good...I only got 1!
I hit a pathetic 2. All my guesses failed.
Question Author
Guesses all count, Pixie!

Welcome the clubhouse for people on 3 but please remember to use the sanitising gel by the door (for which a small administrative charge will be made), remain two metres away from everyone else and to buy me a drink ;-)
What ya having, Chris?
Question Author
Oops! I thought it would be quite a high-scoring week but Mozz71 and Sanmac seem determined to prove me wrong!

Better luck next week (if we haven't all succumbed to C19 by then, that is)!
5 again!!
Question Author
I'm actually about to hunt in the meter cupboard outside (where I keep my beer cool), Pixie, to see if I've got a can of lager in there somewhere. It'll be the first booze I've had for several weeks but it's meant to be a holiday weekend, so I'm gonna go mad and open a can!
All guesses this week and only 2/7 were correct!
Question Author

Just as 3 was beginning to look like a half-decent score after all, Sharon comes along with a far better one :(

(Well done!)
Question Author
At least you're neither alone nor last, Maydup!

Better luck next week ;-)
I refuse to share my score. If I had gone with instinct it would have been respectable. :(
I must have my clever head on.
Scored 5.
Question Author
Being 'respectable' isn't the way we do things here on a Friday evening, Jourdain2 ;-)

Let it all hang out, kid!
Fish out of water (Shady the Sad will like that )
Awful - must be too much gardening
Question Author
Well done, Theland!

Joint leader!!!
Dross. Sorry, dos. No, the first one was the right one...

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Bbc Quiz: Week 15

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