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What Do The People Who Voted For Trump See In Him?

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sandyRoe | 11:12 Tue 21st Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
He's not a man of probity, remember Stormy Daniels. The Washington swamp he was going to drain is more foetid now than it ever was and the rust belt states are getting rustier.
Why did he get elected?


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You'd need to ask the Americans. I doubt many here voted for anyone in the US elections.
one of life's mysteries isn't it?

3 words

Hillary Rodham Clinton
As an American living here, it beats me. He still has a lot of support which I don't understand. Nor does my brother who fears for his country.
Because he had people that could run a good campaign for him. Costly but got him re elected nether the less.
Because he talks in populist soundbites which, unfortunately, a lot of Americans can relate to and unquestioningly believe. Americans feel (or felt) politically disenfranchised by politicians who represented the elite. Trump speaks like a man of the people, whilst living a life of luxury. It’s a clever trick and one which an awful lot of Americans can’t see past.
He comes across as crude, nasty, undiplomatic, with little empathy. Is that a "man of the people"?
We looking in find it incomprehensible anyone would vote for trump. But they did? . I do believe he will be in the White House for another 4 years. No disrespect to joe biden but at 78 ? Is he suitable for the job..?. Americans we see on tv/ media are obviously not the average American. I watch his ( trump) press briefings every night on cnn. He is unspeakable crazy. He will be around for some time to come. Apologies to pasta, it can’t be pleasant reading such negativity about your countrymen .
Is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr the answer?

Do you really care so long as it isn't Trump?
i'm not sure if he's crazy but he's dim and totally out of his depth

An old farmer said to me, " Well, as I see it, Donald Trump is like a 'Post Tortoise'.’'

Not being familiar with the term, I asked him what a 'post tortoise' was.

The old farmer said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a tortoise balanced on top, that's a post tortoise."

The old farmer saw the puzzled look on my face so he continued to explain.

"You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with."
i'm not sure if he's crazy but he's dim and totally out of his depth

Biden or Trump?
For "Trump" in the OP substitute "Johnson".
These are countrymen who are foreign to me...not like anyone I ever knew. But that's me speaking as an East Coast, liberal, New Yorker. The devil's own according to those in the Mid West or the bible belt.
for diddlydo
I'm not a lover of Johnson, but there is no comparison between the 2 men.
I could think of a few choice adjectives but I won't bother.
I think to a large extent it wasn’t so much a vote “for” Trump as a vote “against” all the things they imagined Trump was also against.
It shouldn’t be forgotten tho that he was actually trounced by 4 million votes country-wide by a candidate who supposedly stood for all the things he opposed.
So his popularity was pretty limited: he succeeded in swaying voters in places where he needed to to win
I wish people would remind the PM more of his comments on Trump before either was elected: “spectacularly ignorant and unfit for office” or words to that effect. Truer words he probably never spoke and shows the difference between them whatever you think of our PM

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