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x factor music

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peesha | 15:11 Thu 01st Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
can anyone tell me what the piece of music is they normally play when showing contestant VT before they perform, its been driving me mad for weeks now.


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if you mean the kind of sad music i don't know, however i do know that it was used in stargate sg-1 when dr jackson died- just thought i would let you know that.
If you mean a moody synth piece, it's "God Moving Over the Face of the Waters" by Moby. You can find it on several CDs, such as the soundtrack to the film Heat, where it was used in the finale as the credits rolled.
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the moody synth peice is the very one. God im so glad that someone knew the answer, I no longer have to throw myself off the nearest bridge in despair.

Cheers guys.

there is another piece of music during the vt which is also quite sad sounding but doesn't have the synth.. any ideas??

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x factor music

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