We watched this film on Netflix this afternoon and both thoroughly enjoyed it. Give it a go it you’re looking for something a bit James Bond ish but with a female lead.
yeah I had my glasses fixed by an optician and I cdnt resist saying - you look just like an actor called "Common"
dim but nice
and Ava an aryan blond who looks a lickle like Barbara WIndsor but not dead
rings up Common - dim but nice - and says - I have the CIA inside trying to kill me and the FBI outside !
and Mr Dim but Nice says - MI5? - in that norf Londan whiney accent
an she says - no they re on the roof !
and a bit more biff bang and a phone slides towards her
and she says
and if you are wondering I have the KGB in the cellar !
The one to miss is the one with Ray Winstone - at least 60 y old with an actor called Plan B
Imdb reviews are very amusing tho - 10 reasons not to watch this film....
it is a gang buddy film and these singers get one chance to make it in films - Plan B obviously doesnt make it
you know like Frank Sinatra in Godfather - the mob get him one go - Von Ryans Express I think
Rosie, I surprised myself by enjoying it, James Bond doesn’t ever do it for me but this is a bit different. I only really watched it because other half fancied it.