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TV programs about John Lennon

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donegal | 15:42 Sat 03rd Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

are they any tv programs about John Lennon on in the coming day as it was 25years ago since he was killed. i do know there is a program on channel4 on the 8th , but are there any more?



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There is a very interesting interview on Radio 4 it might even be today, called 'Winners Tapes' or something which I think may not have been heard. It is an interview with him and Yoko I think but not sure what time it is on you would have to check the listings

Starts at 19:00. It's a long interview he did with Jann Wenner, the founder of Rolling Stone magazine, and is supposed to be well worth a listen. I remember that the articles in RS that came from it were regarded at the time as being explosive. It's bound to be available on Listen Again if you miss it now.

And there's also this lot on Radio 2

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