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Winkleman On R2

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Theblip | 12:35 Sat 30th Jan 2021 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
When does Claudia Winkelman take over Graham Norton’s old slot on BBC Radio 2, and why hasn’t she started by now?


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Claudia is due to take over Graham's slot in February, so won't be long to wait
Why hasn't she started by now?
A question for her or the BBC, surely?
There is traditionally a gap of weeks or months between the end of one long-standing host's stint on a show, and the replacement taking over - maybe it's to allow for people to get used to the departure of one, and the arrival of the other, and also to avoid instant comparisons.
I shall rue the day!
She’s probably been having her fringe trimmed with the nail scissors.
Grumpy. She said recently on TV that she had poor eyesight! ;-)
I’m not surprised.She could do with some lessons off her Mother.
Funny old game the entertainment, why cast around for new talent when you can have the same presenter appearing in multiple programmes until the viewing public weary of their coupons coming over the airwaves.

Having said that I can stand a lot of Winkers so not her, obviously. :-)
she's too attractive for the radio . . .
All - Ms Winkleman, apart from looking like an angel in human form, is blessed with an equally attractive voice, so can listen to one, and imagine the other.


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