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Were You A Good Girl/ Boy Or A Wild Child?

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Bobbisox1 | 11:44 Tue 04th May 2021 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Mod or Rocker ,Punk or Goth

Well were you?


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I was a skinhead at around fifteen, Levis, Ben Shermans, sheepskin coat, cropped hair with feathered sides - although I never had Doc Martins but all the lads we hung around with did and a Crombi. We were all Tottenham supporters (still am for my troubles). Although we thought we were hard we never got into any real bovver. The only time I was aware of any noxious...
14:37 Tue 04th May 2021
to start with i was a flower child, i went along with brothers who liked bands like Pink Floyd, and then i became a mod, all mohair suits, ben sherman shirts, cropped hair, dancing along to the latest reggae, ska, soul tune. then it got to the middle stage where i was heavily into soul, dance venues, night clubs anywhere they played the music i adored. wild child yes i guess so, i went right off the rails for a time, but once work became more serious then it rather curtailed my activities. Fun whilst it lasted.
Rocker Tom boy. Today I would be bi???? Even after birthding 3 kids
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I was a Mod too, short hair, baseball boots, Crombie coat but hardly wild , I had a Vespa scooter and would go to the coast on a bank holiday Monday with another load of friends but first sight of trouble, I was away haha
i hardly drank, and didn't do drugs like both brothers, i got high on the music.
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Me either ,in fact I can honestly say I never was offered or saw any drugs whatsoever
oh i did, when dating a black guy, all his mates smoked marijuana, and drank red stripe beer or rum if they could.
i didn't partake in this, not my thing at all. at blues parties this would go on all night.
same as bobbi at 12.52 :-)
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Only time I think it was around me then was when a few of us went to see a friend play in this cellar type of place,the sweet smell was overpowering
i was probably stoned and didn't realise it, all those people puffing on ganja, i was once carried out of a club, after they doctored my drink with dark rum. I was drinking coca cola, and didn't notice the taste.
Normalcy whatever that is or was. No drugs, very moderate drinking. Strong work ethic based upon survival. Had intent, met a young lady, intention went out the window. I sacrificed potential upon the alter of mediocrity.
The first time I was aware of someone smoking a substance was in a staff meeting in my first teaching job, the staff battleaxe commented how pleasant Mr H's tobacco was, such an improvement!
I am, and always have been a rocker - hard rock, heavy rock, prog rock. However, i suppose my 'wild child' tendencies were curtailed by joining the army at 16 and a half years old. I was never a 'model soldier' though - still a tad too wild for their archaic rules and regulations, and i was often fined for my antics.
I do sometimes wonder just what might have been had i not enlisted, as 2 of the 3 guys in my band of close-knit friends (pre-army) succumbed to the lure of heroin and are no longer with us. The other is now a drug-addled zombie. I like to think i would have had more sense than go down that rocky road.
I've never been a dedicated follower of fashion.
Tall, good-looking, good at sport, surrounded by wasn't an easy teenaged era.
Was the lead singer in a group called the Collegiates and our only gig was at the Social Club Springfield Laundry.
I was sensational but my backing group was rubbish.
We disbanded 24 hours later .
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a stint in the forces made for good men with a trade Ken and disciplined too
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haha sqad, come on what songs did you sing?
I Don't Need No Doctor
Doctor My Eyes
Doctor Doctor
Mack The Knife

I was a bit of a wild child. I couldn't sit still.

But I never ever answered by parents and grand parents back.

The only person I fought with is one of uncles. He used to torment me. We've ended up best friends though.
Portrait of my Love.
Too Young.

That's enough for the
God I loved myself........still do.

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