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What was your favourite TV programme as a child?

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Plocket | 10:44 Fri 09th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
I think for me it has to be Trumpton, closely followed by Camberwick Green and Chigley of course!


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wot - no mention of the greatness that was Hong Kong Phooey???

Mr Ben


The Waltons

Little House on the Prairie

grange hill


captain pugwash


In no particular order,

Andy Pandy...Bill and Ben...The Woodentops..Ivor the Engine...Fireball XL5....Stingray,and not forgetting one of my all time favourites...Animal Magic,with Johnny Morris.

Ahh..happy days.

Almost forgot...Saturday mornings would have been nothing without Robinson Crusoe....I sometimes find myself humming the theme tune even now !
it has to be "the hair bear bunch" for me,i also loved "dodo the kid from outer space",and of course "catweazle",which i recently got on dvd its as cool as i remember it to be

Hong Kong Phooey....what a guy!


The Clangers

Grange Hill


Rhubarb and Custard

So funny reading these...the memories...and they all give everyone's ages away!!

Question Author
No mention of The Flumps yet!!!!!

  • thundercats

  • dogtanian

  • fraggle rock

loads more but i cant think.

I used to love a cartoon called "wait till your father gets home" but I have not come across many people that remember it.


  • Hickory house - 'humphrey cushion'

  • Crystal tips and Alistair

  • Why dont you

  • pipkins

  • mary mungo and midge

  • double deckers

  • number 73

Ahh!!!! Memories

Wait till your father Gets Home had a great themetune, just can't remember it! Was a cartoon family......I loved finding out Play Away was on on a Saturday afternoon, so I didn't have to suffer watching the wrestling with my dad and brother.......Michael Bentine's Potty Time, Why Don't You, HOW, and in my later years, Razzamatazz. My mum hated me watching ITV for some reason, so sneaking a watch was always a bit of a treat!

My fav when I was tiny was Tinga & Tucka ...2 Koala bears (puppets) with a presenter called Auntie Jean.I think they lived on the wibbly wobbly way & had a friend called Willie Wombat.I never once thought it was strange that an australian marsupial had a north england accent...but I was prolly only about 4 ...awwwwwwwww.There also used to be a prog called Time Slip when I was older that I was hooked on.Ahhhh thoses were the days!

Roadrunner - Neep Neep!

Definitely not Blue Peter (I dont think anyone ever watches it anyway)

but Crackerjack (Crackerjack! I hear you all shout) - the sketch bit at the end with Peter somebody. And the cabbages.

Rag Tag and Bobtail (or was that Tales of the Riverbank?)

Time Slip - wasnt that the one with the serious looking boy with big black glasses?


Lost in Space

with the nasty one who had been taken into space by mistake and was always trying to get back to earth.

SUNFLOWER68 this link might interest you if you ever read this again

I seem to think there was a serious looking boy with glasses <g> I think the first series of Time Slip was based at a derelict air base & the kids found a gap in the wire & went back in time to WW2 .Lol I lived very near to a derelict airbase too (that apparently Odette etc...flew from ) spent many hours there looking for a gap in time <sigh>...oh to be so naive now!
Dr pop your link ain't working!!!

you ain`t wrong Sunflower68-try this one.I apologise if this one don`t work!!

just checked -that don`t work either.Put 'wait til your father gets home theme tune ' into google and go to the toontracker website-it works here so hopefully you will be able to get it too.Best of luck
i loved the singing ringing tree

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