I had an amusing experience at a B&Q checkout yesterday. I had bought some garden shears (sharp blades so the checkout girl has to register "over 18") and she asked me to briefly lower my mask to check my age (I'm 79) - Suited me, I was able to give her a nice smile (it was fortunate that I had my teeth in, I sometimes leave them out when masked).
Teacake- since mask-wearing has been optional I haven't worn a mask when shopping. I've been into Waitrose twice and Sainsburys twice - no-one gave me a second glance and several of the Waitrose staff weren't masked either. I also went to Tesco where none of the Tesco "pickers" for online orders was wearing a mask and the lady on the checkout wan't wearing one either - we agreed how much more pleasant it is to be able to exchange a smile.